The editors would like to publish all papers presented at the GCWS2019 as a Volume of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conferences Series as soon as possible. Instructions concerning manuscript preparation are below.
Preparing Manuscripts
Authors must prepare their manuscript as a single LaTeX file which includes all figures and tables.
The compiled paper in PDF format must not exceed the following page limits;
10 pages for an overview (40+5 min.),
8 pages for an invited review (25+5 min.),
6 pages for a solicited talk (20+5 min.),
4 pages for a contributed talk (12+3 min.)
2 pages for a poster.
* Please avoid using \def, \newcommand, \ref, and \cite commands.
We have adopted a "hard limit" as the deadline for submission because timely publication of Proceedings is very important in astronomy. We regret that late manuscripts cannot be published in the Proceedings. Please send your manuscript by the deadline.
Sending Address: [email protected]
Please send all prepared files (manuscript, figures, LaTeX compiled pdf, copyright form) to the GCWS2019 LOC address above. The subject of the email should be "GCWS2019 proc". Sending one zipped file which includes all of the necessary files is appreciated.
Author Instructions
When preparing the manuscript, please read carefully and follow the Instructions for Authors and Editors in the website:
Authors will need to download the package of templates and LaTeX style files ( from:
Manuscripts figures will be printed in black/white or grayscale. Thus the figures should be prepared in black/white or grayscale. Colored figures will be converted to grayscale.
The size of each figure file should be within several megabytes so as not to overflow the G-mail storage capacity.
Copyright Transfer
Authors must send a signed Publication Agreement and Copy Assignment to the editor together with their manuscript as an attached file.
The copyright form (copyrightform.*) can be downloaded from the website: .
The formal name of the conference is: "GCWS 2019 - New Horizons in Galactic Center Astronomy and Beyond".
File Names
For the efficient editing of proceedings, the authors are required to keep the following rule. The names of each file must be:
- manuscript: (session#)(presentation type)_(last name).tex
- figures: (session#)(presentation type)_(last name)_f(#).eps
- LaTeX compiled pdf: (session#)(presentation type)_(last name).pdf
- copyright form: (session#)(presentation type)_(last name)_copyright.pdf .
Where presentation types are:
o: overview (40+5min.),
r: invited review (25+5min.),
s: solicited talk (20+5min.),
c: contributed talk (12+3min.),
p(#): poster .
For example, file names for Dr. Shunya Takekawa's solicited talk in session 3 must be:
- manuscript: 3s_takekawa.tex
- figures: 3s_takekawa_f1.eps, 3s_takekawa_f2.eps, ...,
- LaTeX compiled pdf: 3s_takekawa.pdf
- copyright form: 3s_takekawa_copyright.pdf .
File names for Dr. Daisuke Sakai's poster (#11) in session 2 must be:
- manuscript: 2p11_sakai.tex
- figures: 2p11_sakai_f1.eps, 2p11_sakai_f2.eps, ...,
- LaTeX compiled pdf: 2p11_sakai.pdf
- copyright form: 2p11_sakai_copyright.pdf .
Masato Tsuboi and Tomoharu Oka
On behalf of the editors of the proceedings